How to Make Money with a Website Using Google AdSense

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In today’s age, making money online has become easier than ever. Google AdSense is one such tool to make online money. Google AdSense is a free program introduced by Google that allows users to run ads faster and easier. Advertisers create these ads and put them up on Google AdSense to promote their products.

These ads are related to the content and the visitors of the website. The advertisers give a share of money to the owner of the website.

There are several reasons to choose Google AdSense; apart from being free, Google AdSense has straightforward requirements of creating an account.  It allows users to make money off a relatively new website and the ease of running ads on several websites with one Google AdSense account.

Make Money with a Website Using Google AdSense

Here are five easy steps to get you started:

5 Steps to make money through Google AdSense

Perfecting Your Website

The best way to generate greater profits through Google AdSense is to create a website that attracts a new and more significant number of visitors. Create a website with new visitors every day and make them loyal, so they come back again. Websites that can do this are blogs, news websites, social networks, or anything that keeps its audience engaged.

Using the most suitable ads

Google AdSense allows users to create different ads like text-based, image-based, video-based, animation-based, etc. Advertisers will have a chance to make ads in any of these formats; hence you can decide which format would most attract the audience of your website.

Make Money with a Website Using Google AdSense

Your website should not have more ads than the content. It is important to keep in mind the user interface while determining the placement of the ads. Use Google Analytics to further perfect the process and find what works best for your website.

Make your website responsive.

To maximize your profit through Google AdSense, optimize your website for cell phones.  A large number of people use cell phones hence having responsive ads will be a benefit so that Google can adjust their size according to the device.

Make Money with a Website Using Google AdSense

Place Ads on top generating spots

It would be best to place the Google AdSense ads on your websites in spots that encourage maximum clicks. For instance, having in-content ads; these are placed within the articles so that they are seen during reading,  placing ads under the navigation menu or in any white spaces throughout the website.

Follow the Google Rules

Following the rules and guidelines provided by Google AdSense is the best way to make money through it.  Clicking on ads on your website, buying Pay Per Click (PPC), or using other programs that generate more traffic is against the rules of Google AdSense. Make sure that you don’t break any rules.

Keeping in mind these steps will help generate more significant profit through your website using Google AdSense.

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